Powerfuel Conference

16. – 17.05.2022

Join us as a participant of the Powerfuel Conference from 16 to 17 May 2022. In the film theatre, you can expect to enjoy fascinating talks on the latest state of politics, science and economy with a national and international focus involving representatives from Europe, Asia and North America. The aim is for new collaborations to be initiated and stakeholders to be brought together. The coffee breaks between presentations and the lunch break offer interesting opportunities for networking and matchmaking.

Program May 17, 2022




Welcome by Reto Brennwald and the organiser


E – Hydrogen global
Moderation: Reto Brennwald

09:15 Hydrogen strategy of the USA
Sunita Satyapal, Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office

09:35 Hydrogen strategy of China
Mrs. Dr. Tian Zepu, Director of Research Department of China, Z-Park Hydrogen und Fuel Cell Alliance

10:00 Hydrogen strategy of Aramco
Pierre-Olivier Calendini, Director of Fuel Research Center, Aramco

10:25 Moderated question plenum


Coffee Break


F – The colors of hydrogen – Cross Innovations
Moderation: Reto Brennwald

11:30 The many colors of hydrogen
Luca Bertuccioli, Consulting Director, e4tech Lausanne

12:00 «Cross Innovations» von anderen Branchen und Märkten lernen
Roger Spindler, Speaker, Zukunftsinstitut Frankfurt a.M.


Lunch Break


Matchmaking formats throughout the museum: “free walk, free talk”


CORONADO HALL, Conference Center
Powerfuel Pitches


G1 – H2 buses
Moderation: Frank M. Koch (Leiter Deutscher Brennstoffzellenbus Cluster, EE Energy Engineers GmbH)

15:00 Brennstoffzellenbusse für den ÖPNV
Dr. Frank Koch, Leiter Deutscher Brennstoffzellenbus Cluster at EE Energy Engineers GmbH

15:20 Öffentlicher Nahverkehr mit Brennstoffzellen-Bussen
Alisa Meyer, Projektmanagement Alternative Antriebe, Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH

15:40 Brennstoffzellen-Busprojekt in Bozen
Luigi Lugaro, Bozen (requested)

16:00 Moderated question plenum


G2 – H2 production

15:00 Solar Fuels for Carbon-Neutral Mobility
Dr. Philipp Good, Chief Technology Officer, Synhelion

15:20 Wasserstoff-Produktion
Philipp Näf, Lead Market Intelligence Hydrogen, Axpo Solutions AG (requested)

15:40 Thorsten Herbert, NEL (requested)

16:00 Moderated Q&A session


Coffee Break


H – Farewell drink & concluding remarks

Our speakers

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